Oat Mac

Mainly a music project intended to write a few tunes and be forgotten. Working on better songs with more instruments on a project under a different name (The Labelmakers), look out for that when it releases (which will be not soon).

Links: bandcamp Soundcloud Youtube Channel

Contact me at:

email: @oddbotandmore@gmail.com

The tunes:

VG OST Vol. II - Orange Progression (released February 14th, 2024)

Similar to VG OST Vol. I - Tim's Adventure, this was initially the Soundtrack for a video-game project which was eventually cancelled.
01. Party Man
02. Penelope Woods
03. Bass & Drum
04. Ayinew's Shop
05. Sun Donned
06. Sir Malcon's Icicle Fort
07. Repent Metal - Flower Warriors (weap what they show)
08. tired
09. this song sucks (skip me!)
10. flight
11. /
12. 404 - joy
13. Unlucky
14. Lymph Worm's Lullaby
15. death & fun
16. Departure: Tagalong no Longer!

-SALAMANGLE- (released December 15th, 2023, rerecorded December 2024)

Initially a band project, -SALAMANGLE- is a mix of different genres stuffed into a keyboard's sound. This release took the most time and effort compared to Oat Mac's other releases at the time. (Rerecord version)
01. Azrael's Scythe (Apocalyptic Neurons Running from the Outer-Center of your Kneecap Dialectics)
02. To be Forgotten (, please)
03. Mr. Marybell's Afterparty in Benedict Canyon, LA / Manson's Family Diner / Millionaire's TV Advert
04. Life and Death Scenario
06. "I'll consider it."
07. Rock n' Roll Patrol! (Sulfur Metal Lullaby) - Railroad Blades on Fire, Baby!
08. Goat Boy's Ballad
09. Flamingo Evaluation Night
10. salamander

Synthetic Mustardland (released September 8th, 2023)

This album uses some (at the time) unreleased demos and a mix of newly written music for an authenticly strange sound.
01. Apple Slice Oranges
02. Frankacula & Spooktasious G. Key's After-Dessert!
03. Father's Voice Reprise
04. L0B0T0MIZ3
06. Bean Berry's Butterfly Biscuit Bicycle Bellows
08. Recall Level 213 - Introductions to the Moon Ants / Boost Cash for the Lambly Family...
09. ...for an unknown cause (LEANAGE) / Whale-Shark Synapsis
10. and Orange Slice Apples (Apple Slice Apple vs Orange Slice Oranges with Apple Slice Oranges all over again!)